Sports Union of Skopje

Under organization of Sport Union the Skopje Marathon was held on 06 May 2012, with record number of over 4000 participants,has demonstrated that it is a brand race of the capital, recognizable by the mass numbers of participants, quality, socialization, entertainment and sports’ spirit. 

In weather temperature of more than 30C degrees, once again the Kenyan athletes managed to win the race in male and female category. The Kenyan athletes Patrick Wambugu was the winner in the male category, crossing the 42,195 km long track in 2:26:41, whereas Cecilia Warutumo for second time in row came first in the female category with a time of 2:54:58.

The race of 5.000 m, at which a number of high officials and ambassadors took part, this year, again was of humanitarian nature. The participation fee funds will be donated to the Homeless Center of the Red Cross, City of Skopje

Should you need more detailed information on the main sponsors and initiators of the Skopje Marathon, please do not hesitate to visit the webpage: