Balkan e-Waste Management Advocacy Network / Metamorphosis

The main objective of the Seventh International E-society Conference entitled “ICT and the Environment: The Waste Side Story” was the raising of the general public awareness on the reuse of e-waste (electronic and electric waste).

Through a series of workshops on creative reuse of electronic waste and creation of “green” offices, the participants had an opportunity of learning how to properly treat and recycle e-waste.

The story on having less e-waste was carried on at the e-party event organized afterwards. IT IS A PARTY!!!! the motto of which was: Recycle, Reuse. This message was articulated through a series of educational videos and an exhibition dedicated to the e-waste recycling with the overall objective of making a contribution to the protection of the environment and people’s health.

More detailed information on the main sponsors and initiators of this project is available on the following website